Hannah Smith | Women in Search
Hannah is a straight-talking Content Strategist who approaches everything she does with a ton of energy. She juggles her time sharing her thinking at conferences around the world, writing for industry websites and publications, and creating award-winning work for clients. She’s also a nice human being.
Hannah spent 7 years working in offline marketing (they just called it ‘marketing’ back then) until her fairy godmother told her that the internet was the future; not one to ignore such sage advice Hannah made the switch to online.
As a Content Strategist for Distilled she spends a lot of time persuading companies to create things online. Things which will blow people’s minds (for a precious heartbeat or two), things that are useful, that they’ll engage with and want to share.
Winner of various industry awards including a DADI for best use of organic search in 2014 Speaker at a variety of conferences in the UK and abroad including MozCon, SMX, SearchLove, BrightonSEO, The Content Marketing Show & Friends of Search Certified in direct and digital marketing from the IDM She has passed her cycling proficiency test and is the proud owner of a bronze swimming award (which required her to rescue rubber bricks from swimming pools whilst wearing pyjamas)